Traffic jam paragraph 250 words

Traffic jam paragraph 250 words
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Suppose, you experienced a traffic jam last week. Now, write a paragraph on “A Tulle You Experienced

Ans. A Traffic Jam I Experienced 

 I vividly remember the traffic jam I experienced last year. It was a typical werkday evening, and heading back home from New Market. I went there to buy a birthday gift for my younger sales te birthday was on that day. I was sitting in a bus in front of Dhaka City College un Mirpur

Bustest roads in Dhaka

Of the bustest roads in Dhaka, when I suddenly found myself stuck in a seemingly endless jam. The roads were packed with cars, buses, and rickshaws, all jostling for space on the road the minutes ticked by, the traffic jam became more and more unbearable. The heat and bucata were oppressive, and the constant honking of horns only added to my frustration.

It som beca apparent that the jam was caused by a combination of factors including poor roud fra and inadequate traffic management. As I sat in the bus, inching along at a snail’s pace. I warded a people tried to find alternative routes to escape the fam. Some were un foot, others on res and a few even on bicycles. It was a chaotic scene, with people jostling for space on the stems. The

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Traffic jam lasted for hou

And by the time I finally reached my Destiriation at Mirpur. I exhausted and mentally drained. The experience left a lasting impression on tor and I could but feel sorry for the people who had to endure such traffic jams every day. It made me all the importance of investing in better infrastructure and traffle management systems in Alleme be sufferings of the common people.

Word Meaning

Vividly of something). suddenly – suddenly. stuck traffic jam. the minutes ucked by the honking of vehicles. clearly heading.


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