An application for financial help from poor fund for class |6,7,8,9,10,11,12|

An application for financial help from poor fund
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Write an application to the principal of your college praying for full free studentship/stipend/lump grant/help from the poor fund.

An application for financial help from poo

3 January,20……..

The headmaster

educationallus online college, Sylhet.

Subject: An application for financial help from poor fund.


I beg most respectfully to state that my father, who is a petty clerk in a private firm, is not able to run my study expenses. Unless I am awarded some financial relief in the from of full free studentship/ stipend/ help from the poor fund of our college, I shall have no alternative to continue my studies.

In the circumstances, I  most fervently pray and hope that you would be kind enough to consider my prayer favorable and do the needful enabling me to go on with my studies.

I have the honor to be


Your most the honour student,

Tayef Ahmed

Inter 2nd year

Suppose, your father is a poor man. He can not bear your educational expense. So you need to continue your studies father. Now, write an application the Headmaster of you school praying for a stipend from the poor fund.

10 March, 2021

The Headmaster

educationallus online school, Sylhet.

Subject: Prayer for a stipend from the poor fund.


I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class VIII of your school. My father is a petty clerk in an office. He is the only earning member of our family. His income is very poor. He can hardly make both ends meet with his poor income. So it is financial help I have to stop my studies.

In the circumstances, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a stipend from the poor fund and oblige me thereby.

Yours obediently

Rifat Hossain

Class— VIII,

Roll No —13



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